Portage Ceramic Awards 2006

This year’s selection, made by Australian judge, Bill Samuels, features an exciting collection of 51 pots and sculptures from across the country. Bill Samuels is Head of the Ceramics Department at the National Art School, Sydney. He has a long history and involvement both as a student, practitioner and teacher and has worked on the development of forms and glazes for about 30 years. Bill is regarded as one of the key Australian potters working in the woodfiring tradition and one of the most experienced and innovative in the use of Shino-type glazes.

Premier Award
Peter Lange: Lilo

Merit Awards
Mark Mitchell: Vessel
Owen Bartlett: Still life left – but a shadow of their former selves

Waitakere City Artist Award
Danny Rowlandson: Witness

Portage Ceramic Awards 2006 finalists: Brendan Adams, Greg Barron, Owen Bartlett, Christine Black, Kim Boyd, Carol Brent, Susannah Bridges, Peter Collis, Ann Crane, Phillipa Durkin, Penny Ericson, Grancy Fu, Katie Gold, Rene Goodfellow, Philip Jarvis, Jisu Jeon, Verity Kindlaysides, Peter Lange, John Lawrence, Simon Leong, Matt McLean, Patrick Malone, David Mason, Seymour May, Paul Maseyk, Marion Mewburn, Michael Michaels, Mark Mitchell, Petra Molloy, Kiya Nancarrow, Onlie Ong, Kristy Palleson, Cate Pates, Jengis Poor, Robert Rapson, Josephine Regan, Elena Renker, Adrienne Riseley, Danny Rowlandson, John Roy, Rick Rudd, Amanda Shanley, Duncan Shearer, Judi Smith, Joanna Soster & Rohan Wealleans, Margaret Sumich, Cat Thompson, Quentin Whitehouse, Prue Wilson, Helen Yau, Jin Ling Zhang.

This exhibition was generously sponsored by The Trusts.

13 October - 03 December 2006

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