About walking – Christina Houghton Wayfinding Waikumete: walking glen eden

A guided walk that navigates the urban environment of Glen Eden. Following the subtle signs that locate us while noticing the seasonal markers, this walk moves through Glen Eden towards Waikumete Stream. Wayfinding Waikumete investigates the lost name of Waikumete (waters of the kumete bowl) unveiling stories of the past, present and future. This walk is part of a series of walks that track the history of Waikumete.

This walk begins at the Glen Eden train station and moves through Glen Eden towards the Waikumete stream. This walk will be offered as a group experience at Alert Level 1 and 2 and as a self guided walk at Alert Level 3 or 4.

We will provide you with further details in the week before the walk. (Updates will be announced at aboutwalking.nz and on Te Uru’s social media pages.)

Wayfinding Waikumete is presented in partnership with the Auckland Heritage Festival 2020

West Auckland-based performing artist Christina Houghton takes audiences on sensory and exploratory walks. Her long running series Wild Walks have rambled through West Auckland using instructions and props to help people experience the wild wonder of their immediate environment. Her work reflects on the future impacts of climate change, emergency procedures and the idea of safety.

10 October, 11-11am

Meet at the Glen Eden Train Station


About Walking project page

Pīta Turei: Mata ke ao
Sunday 22 September, 5:45am

Jeremy Leatinu’u: Kawea
Saturday 2 November, 12noon

Christina Houghton: Wayfinding Waikumete
Saturday 23 November, 4.10pm


val smith: queer walk-nap
Saturday 15 February, 6.30am - Sunday 16 February, 11.30pm


Suzanne Cowan and Rodney Bell: The hauntology of inheritance
Saturday 29 February, 2pm


Andrew McMillan: Echo Eco Echo
Wednesday 18 March - Wednesday 22 April


Vanessa Crofskey: Sports day
Online on Saturday 4 April, 12-4pm


Melissa Laing: Standing at the edge
Online from Saturday 11 April, watch-party at 4pm


Walking about in fog by Layne Waerea and Lana Lopesi
6 June - 5 July


Becca Wood: The public stand
21 June, 3pm
12 September, afternoon


Pīta Turei: Rangi Matariki
14 July, 6am


Christina Houghton: Wayfinding Waikumete (pt II)
10 October, 11am


Jeremy Leatinu’u: Mauria
31 October, 12 noon


Richard Orjis: cruising, lazing, leaning
21 November, 9pm