Portage Ceramic Awards 2007
The Portage Ceramic Awards returns for its 7th year. The John Green Waitakere Artist Award is also given for the first time, and is named in memory of the ceramicist, artist and musician John Green. The judge this year is Jeff Shapiro, a ceramicist of international renown who exhibits in his native New York, in Japan and internationally. Jeff has brought a rigorous and fresh approach to the process of judging and selecting the pieces for inclusion in the exhibition.
Premier Award
DeAnne Lawford-Smith: Keeping Queit
Merit Awards
Greg Barron: Altered Form with Contours
Onlie Ong: Dining
Tim Holman: Coco
Katherine Smyth: Squash
Waitakere City Artists Award
John Parker: Lattice Bowl
Portage Ceramic Awards 2007 finalists: Brendan Adams, Graham Ambrose, Joanna Ball, Greg Barron, Susannah Bridges, Lee Brogan, Kelvin Burton, Jon Clarke, Ann Crane, Todd Douglas, John Ecuyer, Penny Ericson, Susan Flight, Grancy Fu, Renate Galetzka, Katie Gold, Rene Goodfellow, Elizabeth Hanna-Latham, Lynda Harris, Tim Holman, Louis Kittleson, Vincent Kobylarz, Paul Laird, DeAnne Lawford-Smith, Steve Littlejohn, Seymour May, Matt McLean, Michael Michaels, Mark Mitchell, Kiya Nancarrow, Onlie Ong, John Parker, Yvette Phillips, Jengis Poor, Jo-Anne Raill, Robert Rapson, John Roy, Rick Rudd, Sang Sool Shim, Keum Sun Lee, Katherine Smyth, Ann Verdcourt, Helen Hau.
This exhibition was generously sponsored by The Trusts.
11 October - 09 December 2007